Tag Archives: Unboxing

Hurricane Florence: Evacuations and Safety

So things got a bit crazy this week. I’d been tracking Hurricane Florence for a while, but after Monday’s post, the Governor of Virginia issued an Order of Evacuation for people living in Zone A.  I live in Zone A and had already had an issue with flooding earlier over the weekend. SC and I were taking no chances. We had to hurry!

Thankfully, one of my best friends has a standing offer for us and the cats. We managed to pack all five cats, a tote-full of puzzles and coloring books, clothes, and the computers in under 10 hours. We did our best to place our electronics and valuables out of the way, but flooding is something that is really hard to predict.

Due to bunking down in my bestie’s sewing room and storm preparations, I don’t have any reviews written up. However, I do have a pair of unboxing videos of puzzles that are currently safe in the Tote of Doom! Please be kind, SC wasn’t able to run them through post-production.

Gearheads website

Artifact Puzzles website

So far, we are safe and warm. SC is making curry in the kitchen while it storms outside. I’ll be posting updates on Twitter as I know what is going on and how bad or not! the damages to our house are.

Present from the Mailman!

I’m a bit overwhelmed by just how much mail running a review blog generates. Every few days there are new boxes to open, email receipts of delivery to send, and project scheduling to do.

I was introduced to TICO Bricks at the New York Toy Fair. When I emailed their US distributor, The Lazy Dog & Co., they were happy to send me my pie-in-the-sky wishlist item. TICO stands for Tiny, Intelligent, Combination and Originality, I’m really looking forward to seeing how this build stands up to this wonderful motto!  Follow this link to my YouTube Channel where I’ll host my videos until I can upgrade WordPress.

Click for Video!

TICO Bricks: Website

Disclosure: I received a complimentary brick kit from the manufacturer in exchange for review. The opinions are my own.

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